F.C. Barcelona Formation 2012
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F.C. Barcelona Football Formation

Creation DateFebruary 2, 2012 Usernameohiicarlos

Lineup (4-3-3)

edward · orbik · george · ruben · ivan · tonche · alex · obama · miguelito · tito · owen

- orbik, George last men

- Ruben and Ivan push up to wing mid's during attack and right back down to D when loss of possession.

-Tonche defensive mid stays back with last two men when attacking making a 3 man last defense / when med fielders in tight spaces always pass back to d mid for support and to maintain ball possession.

- Obama and alex creative/attacking mids most comfortable with possession and attacking quality's, excellent ball distributes.

- Miguelito and robert wing attackers, attackers that can devastate the flanks of the opposing teams defense with the support of the attacking mids

- Owen attacker, small comfortable with the ball and fast, really good shot and can get past defenders.

- i think 4-3-3 can be a good option for CIF coach, also on the top 3, owen can be removed and replaced by miguelito as a false 9, droping down to the mid almost as another attacking mid, when this is done the other two wing attackers move up.